Monday, February 13, 2012

Packing cookies to mail

I baked some cookies yesterday to send to my dear friend Mary's son who is a freshman at the University of Kentucky.  The cookies have the U of K logo and a few wildcats thrown in for good measure.  

Because I mail cookies out to family and friends on a pretty frequent basis, I thought this would be a golden opportunity to talk about how I package them.  

The first thing to do is make SURE that the cookies have had an overnight to dry.  Even if a cookie feels dry to the touch, you won't want to bag or stack them till the next day.  

Trust me here.  

The second thing you need to do, is put them in food safe individual bags.  If they are going to a female, I usually tie each bag with a ribbon, but in this instance, I just folded them over in a manly college freshman kind of way.

These little fellas are nesting on top of crumbled packing paper in the bottom of the box.  I put plenty of space in between the cookies and then lay a sheet of bubble wrap on top.

I keep adding layers as needed.  When all of the cookies are in the box, I ever so gently stuff more crumbled packing paper down the sides between the box and the cookies.  

Add more paper/bubble wrap to fill the box to the very top.  At this point I close the lid and gently shake the box.  If I hear any movement at all, I add more packing material.  

This is important:


Here is a box ready to be mailed to my mom in Iowa.  

I always send them priority mail because it is usually only a few cents difference, and who likes a stale cookie?

Take your time with packaging and your cookies won't crumble!


  1. I have fond memories of the delicious autumn leaf cookies I won back in the early fall. They arrived in perfect condition! xo

  2. I have never sent any baking through the post because I was always afraid it would show up in crumbs. I hope yours gets there safely, they look wonderful.

  3. That's excellent information. Thanks for sharing. I always WANT to mail my grandkids pretty cookies, but the fear of crumbled cookies arriving has kept me from doing so. Now I'll give it a try!

  4. Those are such great looking logo cookies, and thanks for the great packing tips on cookies. I agree, those Royal Icing cooking can look dry, and then oops. Joni

  5. Glad to see your continual and most talented works of art. It warms my soul to see such beautiful creations.

  6. Awesome job! I needed this! I am scared to death to pack and mail cookies!

  7. Huge UK fan!! These are awesome!! Great job!! Go cats!!
